Design: The Need Analysis
Have you ever pondered why are you so propelled to all the Colorful apps on your
phone? Why every time you open your device your hands reach out for the Instagram or
YouTube Icon? or Why when you start watching reels or playing a game you just can’t
stop?All of this is because of the UI/ UX of these apps.
UI or User Interface, along with UX or User eXperience is what makes all these apps a
big hit! All these big companies like Meta, YouTube and Google, hire people just to
design their apps and website in such a way that they play with the human brain like by
using bright colours, specific fonts which are pleasing to the eyes or symmetrical
placement patterns which catch our attention and force us to open the app and explore
a bit more.
Have you ever wondered that when you start scrolling aimlessly on Youtube or
Instagram why can’t you stop? This is because of the super efficient and seamless User
Interface developed by the App developers. They provide us entertainment right at our
fingertips and this is what enhances the User eXperience so much that our brain dives
deep into this ocean of content and passively craves more and more!
User Interface and User eXperience is what increases User Traffic. The better the User
Interface, the better the User Experience and this better User Experience propels the
Users to come back again and again. This proves how important designing is when it
comes to having a successful website.
I would like to conclude with a little twist to what Steve Jobs said-
phone? Why every time you open your device your hands reach out for the Instagram or
YouTube Icon? or Why when you start watching reels or playing a game you just can’t
stop?All of this is because of the UI/ UX of these apps.
big hit! All these big companies like Meta, YouTube and Google, hire people just to
design their apps and website in such a way that they play with the human brain like by
using bright colours, specific fonts which are pleasing to the eyes or symmetrical
placement patterns which catch our attention and force us to open the app and explore
a bit more.
Instagram why can’t you stop? This is because of the super efficient and seamless User
Interface developed by the App developers. They provide us entertainment right at our
fingertips and this is what enhances the User eXperience so much that our brain dives
deep into this ocean of content and passively craves more and more!
Interface, the better the User Experience and this better User Experience propels the
Users to come back again and again. This proves how important designing is when it
comes to having a successful website.
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is what makes it work.”
-Nanya Gupta
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